Biotech startup Genetesis finds its home in Mason

Mason-based Genetesis is developing groundbreaking technology using artificial intelligence and 3D imaging to identify and diagnose abnormal activity in the heart. Its 21-year-old founder and CEO Peeyush Shrivastava already secured $1.5 million in seed-stage funding from investors, including from celebrity ...

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Not your grandpa’s manufacturing

We often hear that manufacturing jobs just “aren’t what they used to be.” And that’s correct.In the past few decades, these once labor-intensive jobs have been replaced by technology-intensive jobs. Amazon’s Hebron distribution center is a perfect example of this transformation. Rather than ...

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Dearborn County mill finds new life

When first considering a new location, the Siemer Milling leadership never considered a property in Harrison, Indiana. But, the city ended up having exactly what the company needed to grow.The Whitewater Mill project brought together regional and local economic developers in a unique way that clearly ...

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What will your next office space look like?

Recently, I attended the Area Development Consultants Forum in St. Louis. The two-day conference was filled with helpful sessions, but the most impactful discussion for me surrounded the future of office space, led by Cushman & Wakefield’s Sara Benson.Sara noted four trends that are likely to change ...

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Boeing’s supplier of the year grows locally with connections and quality of life

Joe Sprengard claims he became an entrepreneur “by accident” seven years ago, when he met two University of Cincinnati inventors facing a difficult decision: License their nanotechnology to a Seattle-based firm or create a company of their own. The pair wanted to keep their innovative technology ...

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How to leverage IT trends for economic development

To remain competitive, economic development professionals should pay close attention to changing IT trends. While reading the recent Gartner CIO survey, I noticed three trends that could impact business in Greater Cincinnati: The top places companies spent their 2015 IT dollars are business intelligence ...

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REDI Cincinnati – 2020 Best Places to Work Finalist

CINCINNATI, OHIO – REDI Cincinnati is proud to announce it has earned the recognition of being named a Best Places to Work Finalist by the Cincinnati Business Courier. “The program recognizes companies in the Cincinnati region that are setting the bar to keep employees happy and engaged,” says ...

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Der deutsche Automatisierungsführer Festo findet die Region Cincinnati als idealen Ort, um für Wachstum in den USA zu investieren.

Vom ursprünglichen Vertriebszentrum bis zum heutigen blühenden multifunktionalen Campus gedeiht Festo im Südwesten von Ohio. Von Kim Harper-Gage, Chief Operating Officer, Festo North America Als Festo, ein 3 Milliarden Dollar schweres Familienunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Esslingen, Deutschland, ...

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New protein replacement therapy makes breathing easier for pre-term babies

Hospitals are getting better at helping pre-term babies survive, but that help is having an unintended consequence. Each year over 160,000 pre-term babies in the US and Europe alone are at risk for developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia – or BPD.  Of these pre-term babies, 49 percent will die as ...

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Best Foot Forward: A few (billion) reasons the 2018 SSG Conference was important

Earlier this week, a very special group descended on Greater Cincinnati for a series of presentations and networking events. But before they stepped foot into any conference room, JobsOhio, REDI Cincinnati and other local partners treated them to a star-studded weekend showcasing the best of our region, ...

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