Affordable Utilities in the Cincinnati Region
Natural Gas
Natural gas service in the Cincinnati region is provided largely by Duke Energy (OH + KY). Other providers include Sycamore Gas in Southeast Indiana, as well as a few local municipalities. Common options that Duke Energy offers include:
- General Service – They will procure the natural gas commodity and deliver this to your facility.
- Market Commodity, Firm Transportation – Customers may procure the natural gas commodity in our very competitive natural gas market. Duke Energy will deliver this gas to your facility.
- Market Commodity, Interruptible Transportation – Large customers who are able to curtail their consumption of natural gas may take advantage of Duke Energy’s interruptible program.
The region’s unique three-state footprint — Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana — offers some of the most competitive electricity prices in the country. And in Ohio, customers can shop for their energy supply in our very competitive electric energy market.
Regional providers such as Duke Energy are making significant investments to harden their transmission and distribution systems against weather and other disruptions, as well as deploying state-of-the art resiliency technology to rapidly restore service in the event of a disruption, keeping your operations powered up.
Internet/ Fiber Optics
Regional companies take full advantage of the nearby Amazon Web Service data pipeline and high-speed fiber optics from altafiber. To date, Cincinnati Bell has invested $856 million in the Cincinnati region’s deep fiber deployment with 10,123 fiber route miles and growing. At an average of one-and-half fiber strands per residential address passed and an average of two fiber strands per business address passed, there are few other regions in the United States that are as fiber-dense as ours.
Did you know? You can leverage Ohio’s $100M Commitment to R&D Infrastructure through the Ohio Academic Resources Network (OARnet). This next-generation broadband provides the fastest broadband infrastructure available, at a low cost, to R&D resources including Ohio’s colleges and universities and partnering research organizations such as NASA, Battelle, and Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
Much of the region is served by Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW), providing approximately 43 billion gallons of water annually through 3,100 miles of water mains. GCWW tests its water more than 600 times daily from its source, through treatment and distribution, to ensure it meets all state and federal health standards. Municipal providers are available in some locations as well.
Did you know? The Cincinnati region is one of the most water-rich in the nation, with most water coming from the Ohio River and Great Miami Aquifer. Our water-safety system is unique to the region and the first of its type in the country. Any rare instance of river contamination is detected and managed early, ensuring clean water for our region’s manufacturers and food processors.
Renewable Energy
The City of Cincinnati is the 100th city in the nation to commit to 100% clean renewable energy. The Green Cincinnati Plan has helped establish Cincinnati as a national leader in sustainability and an attractive destination for businesses and individuals. Most recently updated in 2023, the Green Cincinnati Plan presents a comprehensive set of recommendations to advance the sustainability, equity, and resilience of our city.
Did you know? Cincinnati is the fifth city served by Duke Energy, one of the U.S.’s largest investor-owned utilities, to establish a 100 percent clean energy goal.
Through the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance, OHIO PACE and Energize Kentucky are programs available to commercial, industrial, and multi-family building owners across the Cincinnati region.
This funding provides low-cost, extended capital to finance energy efficiency improvements; requiring no down payment, extended-term financing allowing for the potential to increase property value, reducing energy costs, and pass-through costs while generating positive cash flow.
As part of Duke Energy’s commitment to new innovative energy solutions, the provider committed to installing three solar facilities — comprising approximately 31,500 solar panels — across Northern Kentucky’s Kenton and Grant counties. In July 2023, Duke unveiled the largest rooftop solar array in the state of Kentucky when over 5,600 photovoltaic panels came online on the 800,000-square-foot Amazon Air Hub rooftop adjacent to the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. Collectively, the three facilities and rooftop array generate approximately 8.7 megawatts of clean, renewable electricity to benefit residents and businesses alike.
Regional Utility Stats

Miles of Fiber

Solar Panels

Photovoltaic Park in Construction (Largest Municipal Solar Plant in the U.S.)

Gallons Consumed of Water Annually