Sustained, long-term trends in commercial air travel, general aviation, and defense spending promise decades of strong growth in the aerospace industry.
A core manufacturing industry in our nation and the world—automotive manufacturing is in a phase of massive investment in the future of transportation for both electric and autonomous vehicles.
Food, Flavoring & Beverage
Global market dynamics, technical advances, and ever-evolving consumer preferences continue to drive transformation in food production, which represents a unique marriage of science, technology, agriculture, manufacturing, and marketing.

"Why Cincinnati? Why Evendale? And really, there was no decision to make; when you're home, you're home. We're very comfortable declaring that to the world."
Business Locations
Industry Workers
Job Growth (2019-2023)
Gross Regional Product (GRP)
Source: Lightcast 2024.4

Success Story
Divert, Inc.
Wasted food is a wasted opportunity. It is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases and is a missed opportunity to address food insecurity. But to Divert, Inc., this is a problem worth tackling. Through its commitment to put an end to wasted food, Divert developed a solution that resides at the intersection of community betterment, sustainability, renewable energy and advanced manufacturing.
With its ambitious goal to scale its solution to be within 100 miles of 80% of the U.S. population by 2031, Divert chose the Cincinnati region (Harrison, Ohio) in 2024 as its next location. Our strong workforce, robust infrastructure, and long-standing food processing economy, as well as our region’s ongoing commitment to sustainability, renewable energy and addressing food insecurity were ideal for Divert’s future Integrated Diversion & Energy Facility.
Why Divert Chose the Cincinnati Region
Success Story
Nehemiah Manufacturing
Nehemiah Manufacturing announced a 3.6 million dollar investment in the construction of a new 50,000 square foot lot in Lower Price Hill. The result of this endeavor will be 15 new, skilled employment opportunities for job seekers looking for a second chance.
The company expects to be able to meet the demands of its growing e-commerce business and overcome supply-chain constraints.
Through the project, Nehemiah Manufacturing lives its mission to build brands, create jobs and change lives.
Five Regional Companies Awarded
Success Story
In 2019, Nestlé-Purina Petcare identified an opportunity to grow beyond its 21 manufacturing facilities across the U.S. and began searching for a site to build what would become its first production facility from the ground up since the 1970s. The company sought a large site where it could quickly begin construction and a region with a fruitful talent pool. After considering several other locations, the pet food maker chose the South Afton Industrial Park in Clermont County to build a 1.2 million-square-foot facility and will create 300 new jobs. Here the company will make its popular and trusted high-quality pet food brands. The site, which was shovel-ready and authenticated by the SiteOhio readiness program, dates back to 2016 when Clermont County began assembling the land and preparing it for development. The final outcome was the result of a partnership between Clermont County, Duke Energy, REDI Cincinnati and JobsOhio, all of whom came together to make it the perfect site for the company’s latest investment.
Nestlé-Purina’s new facility is expected to bring 550 million dollars of investment to the 200-acre site in Williamsburg Township. And this project was the largest within the Midwest for 2020.
Nestlé Purina PetCare Plans to Build New Factory
Success Story
South Carolina-based Diversey, a leading hygiene, infection protection, and cleaning solutions manufacturer, announced it will invest $86 million to open a new production and logistics facility with more than 300 new jobs in Kenton County in 2021. BE NKY Growth Partnernship (formerly Northern Kentucky Tri-ED) provided support and guidance with the City of Elsmere and State of Kentucky to bring the company to a new 840,000 square foot facility developed by Core5 Industrial Partners in Northern Kentucky.
“This facility will help us better serve our institutional customers, strengthen our business and market position, and better manage our inventory and supply chain.” – Diversey Company Statement
Read MoreHear from the companies in our region.
"Starting and operating any business comes with its own set of challenges. Starting and operating a minority, women-owned business adds additional challenges. Cincinnati works hard to eliminate those additional challenges by providing agencies dedicated to bringing diversity and inclusion to our region. REDI Cincinnati is a leader in this area, providing support, education and right-now solutions for ALL Cincinnati Business Leaders."
“Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) was designed to bring local manufacturers together to collaborate and find solutions for our industry’s skills gaps. Currently, AMIP has 250 active members. In 2019, we had the largest collection of Manufacturing Day events in the country, hosting more than 5,000 students at about 70 company locations. Together, we are working to better connect with our future talent pipeline.”
“We have built a world-class data strategy and analytics team here to address business opportunities across every P&G function.”
“It’s about changing the culture from a comfortable, slow environment to one where challenging the status quo is an unconscious element of what we do on a daily basis. This collaboration with UC and having 1819’s incredibly passionate and energetic resources at our fingertips will create a valuable mechanism that we can leverage to drive strategic and sustainable growth for the future.”
“Since the beginning, we have been looking at different locations in the Midwest. The assistance offered from the State of Ohio combined with the appealing proposal from the City of Hamilton motivated our decision. JobsOhio, REDI Cincinnati, and the City of Hamilton have been key supporting players during this process. We are very excited about this new project and we look forward to the next steps”.
“The Cincinnati region is extremely advanced in technology. We have industry leaders like GE Aviation and P&G that are looking 10-20 years in the future. They are asking questions about future workforce needs that will drive our educational institutions’ offerings. TechSolve works with AMIP and the regional educational institutions on a statewide initiative to upskill 5,000 Ohioans with innovative earn-and-learn (apprenticeship) strategies.”
Sites that Support Growth
Finding the right site to meet the needs of a manufacturing facility can be as important as employing talented workers. That’s why in the Cincinnati region, businesses and community leaders collaborate to offer a wide range of sites where companies can start working effectively from day one.
See Available Sites