Total Quality Logistics Commits to Investing Additional $78M in Cincinnati Region

CINCINNATI, OH – March 2, 2022 – Total Quality Logistics (“TQL”) announced an investment of $78M in the Cincinnati region with the commitment to add 1,000 new jobs, $60M in payroll, and an $18M headquarters expansion to its Ivy Pointe footprint in Union Township, Clermont County.
TQL, Cincinnati’s largest private company and one of the largest freight brokerage firms in North America, is now undergoing its third expansion in the area since 2019, committing $146.8M in new payroll and $31.1M in capital investment to the region during that time.
The scope of this expansion is substantial and ranks as the second-largest headquarters expansion project in REDI Cincinnati’s history.
To learn more, please read the full press release.
About REDI Cincinnati
The Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Cincinnati is the first point-of-contact for companies locating or growing in the 16-county region at the heart of southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky, and southeast Indiana. REDI Cincinnati is supported by top business leaders and community partners and staffed by a team of economic development experts who are uniting the Cincinnati region to compete globally.
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About JobsOhio
JobsOhio is a private nonprofit economic development corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention and expansion. The organization also works to seed talent production in its targeted industries and to attract talent to Ohio through Find Your Ohio. JobsOhio works with six regional partners across Ohio: Dayton Development Coalition, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, One Columbus, REDI Cincinnati, Regional Growth Partnership and Team NEO. Learn more at Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.