Site Q&A with Andrea Pinho: Fairfield Commerce Park (Southwest Ohio)

Andrea Pinho joined the REDI Cincinnati team in 2019 as the site selection and real estate manager. In this role, Andrea assists growing companies in finding their perfect location to thrive in the Cincinnati region. Her greatest ability is to pinpoint ideal real estate options that fit the exact needs of her clients.
- Andrea, what makes Fairfield Commerce Park in Southwest Ohio a strong site option?
- AP: Fairfield Commerce Park is a 137-acre master-planned park conveniently located just 2.5 miles north of I-275. It is strategically positioned to offer easy access to the I-75, I-71, and I-74 distribution corridors. Not to mention its access to the Cincinnati region’s metropolitan benefits. These benefits include access to top talent, interstate highways, and CVG Airport – the fastest-growing cargo airport in the U.S – just to name a few.
- Can you speak to the added advantages of this industrial park?
- AP: The Fairfield Commerce Park is one of Cincinnati’s newest Class A industrial parks. It offers both speculative buildings, available as early as Q2 2021, and build-to-suit options to fit almost any industrial clients’ needs. Located in the heart of Cincinnati’s largest industrial submarket, the site is in close proximity to a large, skilled labor pool.
- What about the sites’ business environment?
- AP: Fairfield is a business-centric community and boasts roughly 1,800 businesses from small to Fortune 500. Notable businesses include Cincinnati Financial, Koch Foods, and Veritiv. The Cincinnati region as a whole is a strong economy, made up of strong communities and businesses. We are uniquely positioned, connected, and diversified to support business growth.
- What size company and industry would be the perfect fit for Fairfield Commerce Park?
- AP: This site is ideal for any corporation looking to expand or relocate its moderate to heavy production. With 90,000 – 500,000 square-foot buildings available, it truly attracts both small and large scale corporations. The site has a more permissive zoning, M-2 General Industrial, and ideal configuration to accommodate most projects up to moderate industrial, warehousing, and manufacturing.
- If a company or consultant is interested in this property, what are the next steps?
- AP: Please reach out to me at; I will help you navigate the next steps. At REDI Cincinnati, we make sure to work as a team to confirm that Fairfield Commerce Park meets all your necessary site requirements. Once we verify that the site is a good fit, we will set up a site visit and facilitate the right talent, utilities, and connections. We have found that this process mitigates risk and assists your team in a smooth transaction.
Take a quick look for yourself. View Fairfield Commerce Park’s Video.
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