Where America's Automotive Industry Intersects
Fastest Growing North American Cargo Airport (CVG International Airport)
Largest Independent Vehicle Test Facility and Proving Grounds in the U.S.
Nation's Largest Inland Port - USACE, 2022
Annual Production Degree Completions
Higher Concentration of Production Workers (Compared to National Average)
Of North American Auto Production Within One-Day Drive (1,000 KM Radius)
Of U.S. and Canadian Auto Production Within One-Day Drive (1,000 KM Radius)
Cincinnati MSA Automotive Industry Snapshot
Business Locations
Industry Workers
Growth in Jobs (2019-2023)
Gross Regional Product (GRP)
Source: Lightcast 2024.4

Success Story
UGN, Inc. is a Tier 1 automotive supplier of acoustic, interior trim, and thermal management products. Originally selecting Monroe, OH for its manufacturing location in 2014, UGN committed to an expansion in 2018. The 150,000-square-foot expansion added 111 jobs and approximately $40MM in capital investment. Location to customers and success in finding a skilled workforce led to UGN choosing the Cincinnati region for a second time.
Hear from the companies in our region.
“The Cincinnati region is extremely advanced in technology. We have industry leaders like GE Aviation and P&G that are looking 10-20 years in the future. They are asking questions about future workforce needs that will drive our educational institutions’ offerings. TechSolve works with AMIP and the regional educational institutions on a statewide initiative to upskill 5,000 Ohioans with innovative earn-and-learn (apprenticeship) strategies.”
“Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP) was designed to bring local manufacturers together to collaborate and find solutions for our industry’s skills gaps. Currently, AMIP has 250 active members. In 2019, we had the largest collection of Manufacturing Day events in the country, hosting more than 5,000 students at about 70 company locations. Together, we are working to better connect with our future talent pipeline.”