Every strong community understands the talent pipeline starts in pre-school. The Cincinnati region’s institutions of learning offer invaluable educational opportunities for students from the first day of kindergarten through post-graduate work and beyond.

Education Stats

Did you know? The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) and the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) named the University of Cincinnati in its Top 100 universities for patents. Read more.

Regional Career Technical Centers

Regional Technical Colleges & Community Colleges

Regional Colleges & Universities

Colleges & Universities Within a 150-Mile Radius

Colleges & Universities Within a 300-Mile Radius

Our Schools are Building Our Talent Pipeline

"Cincinnati State’s role in our community is to provide employers with the talent they need. We’re working to make sure that our students continue building Cincinnati’s economy and we appreciate REDI as a vital partner in this work. Through strategic alignment and direct connections with businesses, REDI is essential to our mission."

"Xavier University has been an integral partner with REDI Cincinnati in ensuring organizations and businesses have a rich and deep talent pool from which to recruit. Xavier and the Williams College of Business are also committed to providing the application based business skills for the companies present employees to further add to the success of their firms. Together, Xavier and REDI Cincinnati create a strong foundation for a vital and growing business community in the region."

"Our students’ success comes from having skills that are in demand. In turn, Great Oaks’ success is a result of being able to anticipate the demand. Through our partnership with REDI Cincinnati, we can better understand, anticipate, and plan for the workforce that our region will need. Our graduates and our region thrive thanks to REDI’s work."