Enable Injections Commits to Cincinnati Growth with Increased Jobs

CINCINNATI – October 31, 2022 – Enable Injections, Inc. (“Enable”), a company developing and manufacturing the enFuse® platform of investigational wearable drug delivery systems, is pleased to announce the commitment to increase jobs and payroll in the Cincinnati region with an additional 257 jobs and $19,865,376 in payroll by 2027.
Approved today by the State of Ohio’s Tax Credit Authority Board, Enable will benefit from Ohio’s Job Creation Tax Credit (JCTC) program because of its commitment to the Cincinnati region and State of Ohio.
“Enable Injections has experienced strong growth in the Cincinnati area since 2010, developing the enFuse, an innovative drug delivery technology which has the potential to positively impact patient experience worldwide. Enable Injections is proud to be established in Cincinnati and is on a clear path to create more high-tech, high-value jobs and opportunities for our city and State of Ohio,” said Mike Hooven, President and CEO of Enable Injections. “We are relentless in our pursuit of transformative and impactful drug delivery technology, and in our commitment to expand our presence in the region.”
To learn more, please read the full press release.
About Enable Injections
Cincinnati-based Enable Injections is a global healthcare innovation company developing and manufacturing drug delivery systems designed to improve the patient experience. Enable’s body-worn enFuse® delivers high-volume pharmaceutical and biologic therapeutics via subcutaneous administration, with the aim of improving convenience, supporting superior outcomes, and advancing healthcare system economics. For more information, please visit www.enableinjections.com.
About REDI Cincinnati
The Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Cincinnati is the first point-of-contact for companies locating or growing in the 16-county region at the heart of southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky, and southeast Indiana. REDI Cincinnati is supported by top business leaders and community partners and staffed by a team of economic development experts who are uniting the Cincinnati region to compete globally.
The future is bright, and we’re building it, right now. Join us at REDICincinnati.com.
About JobsOhio
JobsOhio is a private nonprofit economic development corporation designed to drive job creation and new capital investment in Ohio through business attraction, retention and expansion. The organization also works to seed talent production in its targeted industries and to attract talent to Ohio through Find Your Ohio.