Let’s Reconnect!

REDI Cincinnati’s Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) Program

We understand the growth of our existing business community plays a vital role in the overall success of the region. Our team seeks to understand your unique business position, provide you with relevant industry updates and pair regional and statewide resources to support your exact needs through our Business Retention & Expansion (BR&E) Program.

REDI Cincinnati's 2024 BR&E Annual Report

What is a BR&E Program?

Since REDI Cincinnati’s formation in 2014, we’ve worked diligently to support regional companies with their growth and expansion efforts in our region.

One of the first steps REDI Cincinnati takes to provide economic development support to our local companies is to have a meeting to understand their unique challenges, plans, and goals. We call this a Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) visit.

Why is the BR&E Program Helpful?

Through the collection of feedback at business visits, REDI Cincinnati can identify areas through its BR&E program where local, state, or federal resources may be available to assist companies in their growth.

We know that the strength of our business community and economy in the Cincinnati region relies on fueling relationships, growth, and collaboration. This program relies on local business feedback to inform the directives of our organization.

What’s the BR&E Program’s Goal?

Our goal is to support you and your business today, tomorrow, and for years to come in the Cincinnati region. We want to make sure that you know REDI Cincinnati is available and accessible to you and your team when it comes to questions on talent, regional connections, incentives, and additional sites.

Business retention and expansion is a collaborative effort between REDI Cincinnati and our local economic development partners across Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana. Companies touched by this program receive a high level of customer service, along with confidentiality and access to a variety of resources. REDI Cincinnati is committed to working with our resource partners to help our region’s businesses grow and flourish.



Schedule Your Visit!

We want to hear from businesses from a variety of industries. We’re especially interested in learning about companies that are: Encountering barriers to business growth; Considering a facility expansion; Experiencing infrastructure, utility or security issues; Considering acquiring another company, being acquired or merging; Having difficulty finding talent.


Hear from Regional Businesses

"What I really appreciate about REDI, and the City of Cincinnati for that matter, is they give you the feeling that they are truly invested in your success. They want to see you succeed, they want to see you grow and thrive, and are willing to help in any aspect along the way to help facilitate that growth. They are willing to take the time to sit down and discuss growth plans and offer feedback on areas that they can help or make connections. Our interests are aligned which is the goal of every great partnership".

“Whenever I’ve had something going on or any kind of challenge, I know I can call REDI Cincinnati and they will at least have a touch point for me. They’ve been a tremendous help.”

Local connections have also played a major role in our ability to grow. Cincinnati Children’s, BioOhio, CincyTech, my former company AtriCure, Ken Parker, and Techway Industries of Franklin have also been invaluable resources in getting the business off the ground. They provided funding, cleanrooms, lab space, office space, and component parts. As well, connections with board members were vital. We are also grateful for the co-op programs at the University of Dayton and the University of Cincinnati.”

Regional BR&E Resources and Partners

BR&E Stats

Did you know? REDI Cincinnati can also help answer questions regarding the region’s two Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs). If you are a manufacturer or distributor importing at least $3 million or more a year, and your imports are primarily from a country with whom the U.S. does not have a free trade agreement, your business might be a good candidate for an FTZ. Read more.