Butler Tech to Establish Aviation Education Hanger with Assistance from JobsOhio

MIDDLETOWN, Ohio – July 30, 2024 – Butler Tech and the City of Middletown today announced the receipt of a $1 million grant from the JobsOhio Ohio Site Inventory Program (OSIP) in partnership with REDI Cincinnati, marking an essential funding piece needed to launch the Butler Tech Aviation Education Hangar project. This grant allows the project to move directly from preparation to construction at the Middletown Regional Airport (MWO), ensuring an immediate start and a significant impact on the workforce pipeline for the aviation industry.
“This OSIP grant is a crucial piece of the puzzle, allowing Butler Tech and our partners to begin immediate construction,” said Jon Graft, superintendent and CEO of Butler Tech. “With all this funding secured and the recent FAA approval for the Air Frame and Power certification, we can now transform the site into a hub of aviation education, providing students with hands-on learning opportunities and preparing them for high-demand careers in the aviation industry.”
To learn more, please read the full press release here.