Regional colleges, universities key to logistics growth
The Cincinnati region has a long history of ensuring a company’s goods get where they need to go. While due in part to the region’s central location – within a one-day drive of more than half of the U.S. population, more than half of Canada’s population and more than half of U.S. manufacturers – the story goes a little deeper.
Regional colleges and universities play an important role in that story. Throughout the next few months, we’ll highlight those institutions with strong logistics programs. We’re starting with Sinclair College.
Taking the next career step

Sinclair College strives to help students realize the stereotypical idea of a logistics job is outdated. Since 2009, the college’s logistics program touches learners at every point in their careers.
Sinclair relies strongly on data to help guide its students. From employer interview sessions and focus groups to surveys, the college’s staff learns first-hand the skills its students need to move from an entry-level job to a supervisory job, and its programming reflects that primary research. Students have different needs depending on where the college encounters them along their career paths. Its goal is to help those students develop the skills they need to progress to the next level.
And that includes hands-on experience whenever possible. Currently, the college is working with a transportation software company to give students real-world experience with software they will see in the field after graduation. This takes the students’ experience out of a classroom-only setting and keeps them from being surprised by what they see on their first day at work.
To learn more about Sinclair College, and its logistics programming, visit the school’s website.