Human data drives consumer intelligence
Strap created the world’s only analytics engine designed to draw actionable insights from human data. We empower brand owners, retainers and organizations to develop and execute highly effective marketing programs built on the idea that what your consumer does matters most. We enable actionable human data to inform and improve a brand’s marketing and engagement programs because we believe that a more personal world is a better world.

Basically any data that is gathered, we can grab, normalize, segment and trigger. This could be data directly from smartphones via Apple Health or Google fit, or from the hundreds of millions of users on platforms like MapMyFitness, Strava and RunKeeper – all the way down to the 200+ million wearable users who have FitBits, Jawbones or Misfits. We are excited about the revolutionary marketing possibilities that come from this accessible human data and work with everyone from fitness brands to retailers, CPGs and enterprises.
In consumer intelligence, we are seeing massive shifts in the use of the term “programmatic.” The bar for having a relevant, personalized consumer experience is higher than ever before. Being able to reach wide audiences, but also personalize messages and market to individuals on an incredibly specific level is now possible – we think that’s pretty cool. Now that almost every consumer walks around with a smartphone or wearable attached at the hip (or wrist), business have the ability to get smarter about finding the right consumers and reaching them. They are using data around steps, sleep patterns, locations, workouts, food logs and other data points to get the full picture of who a customer is and how that person lives.
The ability to personalize at scale with the devices consumers are already carrying is one of the most exciting technological advancements in the past decade. Why? Because we know that as a consumer, we don’t have time to sort through all of the offers we receive daily. We automatically delete the majority of the messages we receive simply because we assume they don’t apply to us.
Advertising and promotion should be passive – Tide should know that I am an athlete and would appreciate a certain detergent for my clothes. Pampers should know that a parent (and baby) didn’t get a good night sleep and, in turn, send tips on how to help the baby sleep better. Macy’s should know that I walk to work and cook food at my home – and offer me shoes and kitchen appliances specific to my needs.
And, why Cincinnati? Startups are not a fad here. They do not go unnoticed nor get lumped with the 12,000+ startups like Silicon Valley.
With access to capital from established venture firms like CincyTech (whose companies created more than 700 jobs and raised more than half a billion dollars in capital) and other agencies, Greater Cincinnati is establishing a name for itself as a major startup space. It’s the prime location to grow your company – whatever the size may be.