Hit Promotional Products Expands in Fairfield, Ohio

FAIRFIELD, Ohio – October 28, 2024 — Hit Promotional Products announces an expansion of its operations in the city of Fairfield by constructing a new state-of-the-art 800,000-square-foot facility, doubling the company’s footprint. The expansion will create 100 new jobs and contribute an additional $4.8 million in annual payroll to its existing workforce of 237 employees.
Hit Promotional Products is a 50-year-old family-owned fulfillment, logistics, and branding partner providing industry-leading solutions for the procurement, decoration, warehousing and distribution of branded merchandise and apparel. With operations spanning four states, Hit Promotional Products ranks among the top five suppliers in the nation for promotional product solutions.
“We’re excited to be partnering with the state of Ohio, JobsOhio and REDI Cincinnati to expand our operations in Fairfield, Ohio, said Doug Donnell, Hit Promotional Products chief operating officer. “These partnerships were invaluable in helping us identify support and resources, further strengthening our ability to grow and thrive in the region.”
The project was approved today for a tax credit by the Ohio Tax Credit Authority today. JobsOhio also plans to provide assistance for the project, which will be made public after a final agreement is executed.
“Hit Promotional Products’ expansion in Fairfield, now nearing 300 total jobs, showcases both its significant growth and its strong commitment to the city of Fairfield,” said Kevin Donnelly, REDI Cincinnati vice president of project management. “By doubling its physical footprint, the company is responding to rising demand while actively investing in the local workforce and economy.”
“Ohio’s central location within a day’s drive of 60 percent of the U.S. and Canadian population and its transportation infrastructure make it an ideal location for Hit Promotional Products to grow its fulfillment capacity in the North American market,” said JobsOhio President and CEO J.P. Nauseef. “Hit Promotional Products’ investment in Ohio includes building a larger, expanded facility with state-of-the-art distribution equipment, creating 100 new jobs.”
“We are pleased to see Hit Promotional expanding their operations in the City of Fairfield,” said Mitch Rhodus, Mayor of Fairfield. “The company is making a major investment that will create many job opportunities both now and in the future.”
About REDI Cincinnati
The Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Cincinnati is the first point-of-contact for companies locating or growing in the 15-county region at the heart of southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky, and southeast Indiana. REDI Cincinnati is supported by top business leaders and community partners and staffed by a team of economic development experts who are uniting the Cincinnati region to compete globally. The future is bright, and we’re building it, right now. Join us at REDICincinnati.com.
About JobsOhio
JobsOhio, Ohio’s private nonprofit economic development corporation, enhances company growth and personnel development through business attraction, retention, and expansion across ten competitive industry sectors. With a team of seasoned professionals, JobsOhio utilizes a comprehensive network to foster talent production in targeted industries and attract talent through Find Your Ohio. Collaborating with seven regional partners, including Dayton Development Coalition, Lake to River Economic Development, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, One Columbus, REDI Cincinnati, Regional Growth Partnership, and Team NEO, JobsOhio delivers world-class customer service to provide companies with a competitive advantage. Learn more at www.jobsohio.com. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.