Site Q&A with Andrea Pinho: Hamilton Enterprise Park

Andrea Pinho joined the REDI Cincinnati team in 2019 as the site selection and real estate manager. In this role, Andrea assists growing companies in finding their perfect location to thrive in the Cincinnati region. Her greatest ability is to pinpoint ideal real estate options that fit the exact needs of her clients.
- Andrea, what makes Hamilton Enterprise Park an ideal site?
- AP: Logistically, Hamilton Enterprise Park is in an ideal location. The site is an easy 8-minute drive to four-lane highway I-75 — giving companies quick access to travel north to Dayton and/or south to the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport. This makes shipping products or arranging company travel incredibly easy. The Park is owned by the City of Hamilton, which also provides the electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities to the site. The City of Hamilton has worked hard to streamline communication and make it simple for businesses to work with the City on real estate and utility needs.
- Can you speak to the data points around the site’s utility capacities?
- AP: As mentioned, the City of Hamilton owns and operates the electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities and generates a portion of its electric power from renewable, non-carbon emitting sources. There is redundancy available for electric, with currently 100 Megawatts excess capacity. A closer substation is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2020. The site has the available gas capacity to serve up to a Tier V or 50,000+ MCF/month. Water has over 300,000 gallons per day excess capacity and wastewater has 4 million gallons per day excess. The City of Hamilton also owns the fiber infrastructure with over 1 Gbps service possible. With these capacities, it won’t be difficult for this site to meet the needs of a robust industrial manufacturer.
- What size company and industry would be the perfect fit for this site?
- AP: With over 130 acres left in the park, there is the flexibility to accommodate any size company – small to large. The current acreage is separated by roads into three parcels, roughly 32, 40 and 59 acres each. Some smaller lots can be subdivided depending on the company’s needs which makes this spot a great fit for advanced manufacturing, food and flavoring, and R&D operations. Plus, this lot has great neighbors in the manufacturing space – 80 Acres Farms, Synergy Flavors, and Neturen America.
- If a company or consultant is interested in this property, what are the next steps?
- AP: Yes- great question! Please reach out to me and share what your company’s exact needs are. REDI Cincinnati will work with the City of Hamilton to make sure Hamilton Enterprise Park meets all your necessary site requirements. When the time is right for you, we will set up a site visit and facilitate the right connection to talent, utilities, and local partners.
Take a quick look for yourself. View Hamilton Enterprise Park’s Video.
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