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A six-figure job, without the four-year degree

Just about any conversation you have with an economic developer or employer will end in one place – the talent gap, specifically in advanced manufacturing. We’ve even addressed it here on our blog.

Now we’re seeing the topic attract attention of the national media.

In June, NPR podcast 1a devoted an entire hour to the three key elements impacting the talent gap – the disconnect between the trained workers and available jobs, the lack of targeted training programs, and the perceived stigma associated with manufacturing jobs.

You can listen to the full podcast here: 

Filling your pipeline

The panelists suggest companies approach worker training in the same way as a traditional apprenticeship program:

  1. Define specific skills your company needs for successful workers.
  2. Collaborate with colleges and universities to create programs that train workers for those skills.

That’s it.

This technique isn’t just for advanced manufacturers; any company can use it to create a workforce that can fill its open jobs. If you’re building a marketing firm, but cannot find enough people trained in social media, you can work with a nearby college to create targeted social media training programs.

Living wage in “southern Ohio”

We do have to correct one caller who indicated that manufacturers in “southern Ohio” do not pay a living wage (about five minutes from the end).

According to EMSI, Greater Cincinnati pays a $17.43/hour median wage among all production occupations, which includes manufacturing workers. The national average – $16.32/hour. While it may not be the six-figure income promised by the podcast, it is above the living wage of about $10/hour.

Think you’re ready to explore a collaborative training program with a regional college? REDI Cincinnati can help you find the right partner. Connect with me via email or at (513) 562-8463 to learn more.