REDI Site Revolving Loan Fund Application

"*" indicates required fields

Property Details

Development Plan

Upon request, will you be able to provide a map showing the property boundaries and nearby utilities (electric, gas, water, sewer, and fiber infrastructure)?*

Utilities & Due Diligence

Please indicate what information is available to-date on the five primary utilities associated with the property. Check all that apply.
Is there an existing line within 1,320' (1/4 mile) of the property boundary?*
Do you have information on the line's available capacity for use at this property?*
Have any engineering estimates been completed for needed extensions or improvements?*

Core Due Diligence

Please identify which of the following core due diligence items have been completed (Note: it is not necessary to have all items completed for every opportunity, but knowing what has/has not been completed is crucial in assessing the overall project.).
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Preliminary Geotechnical Report*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Surface Water Delineation*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Threatened and Endangered Species*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Phase I Archaeological Study*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
History Architecture Survey*
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Project Importance

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